Hello everyone!! It’s me Mel!

Hope you are all doing well today.

The other day I was scrolling through the Shounen Jump app, and one series cover caught my attention; I was hooked after reading the first chapter, the plot was interesting and I really wanted to see where the series will go only to discover said series has been canceled, due to the poor performance, after 20 chapters which made me realized that I read a few series that I really enjoyed that were canceled for whatever reason.

Some somehow managed to get a decent ending, others just got cut at the end of an arc, others are kind of in the middle.

In today’s post, I decided to share with you eight manga series that I enjoyed but were canceled.

Agravity Boy

The year 2118, the scientifist sent a group of 4 astronauts to explore the space, two days after their departure a nuclear war wiped out humanity and the space ship was was pulled through a Black Hole , that’s where they found a new planet that really look like the Earth, a-Jumbro.

I was really sad when it ended, it was way too short the absurdity of the series was far beyond anything I had read, to be hoest I was sure if I should include it in this list or not, since the series look pretty finished to me, but after reading it again for the sake of the this postI realize the ending was weirder than the rest of the series… like really weird and I feel this extra chapter try to give us an epilogue even if half of the explanation sound rush, but it’s stayed truth to the series and was equally absurde.

Black Torch

The series follows the story of Azuma Jiro who has the ability to speak to animals. One day he met an injured black cat in the forest and decided to save him. However, the black cat is not a common black cat, it’s Rago, a mononoke who was freed from the stone where he was sealed.

Rago tried to tell Jiro to not mingle with mononoke stuff, but Jiro is stubborn and doesn’t listen and gets deadly injured. Rago decided to fuse with him to save his life which made everything more complicated.

The series ends with the death of the one who should have been considered the main antagonist, Amagi, a mononoke who wanted to get rid of the human and have a world filled with mononoke.

I would consider the ending of Black Torch being in-between, I wasn’t unsatisfied by the ending, but it still left a lot of loose ends that will never be tied. Like when one of the villains, Kouga, tells Jiro “You are the son of that man” which makes us think that he knew Jiro’s father. We will never know how he could have met the man.

Fabricant 100

Ashibi has something special, something all the Fabricant want, something they need to become the perfect human, eternal youth. However, Ashibi also want something, and it’s to get revenge on the same Fabricant who killed his family. In order to do that, he makes an alliance with the strongest Fabricant, Fabricant 100; they make a deal if Fabricant 100 help Ashibi to have his revenge, Ashibi in return will give his body (sound really weird I know, just think about someone giving their body to science after their death.) to Fabricant 100.

I got into that series right away and I wished it was longer, while we did have a real ending, we could feel it was a bit rushed.

Hell Warden Higuma

400 ago a bunch of evil spirit was freed from Hell and now someone need to make sure they all go back from where they are all from… Hell. That person is a descendant of the Kagarite, why? Cause it’s one of their ancestors who help to create that mess and now they have to fix it. The strength of the fugitive depends on how much time they were sentenced in hell, the longer the sentence is, the stronger (and more dangerous) they are.

I loved the few chapters I read for the series, and I was utterly disappointed when I realize the series was canceled. With this series you can totally see it has been canceled since there is literally no ending. The last chapter is them fighting one of the main villains at a festival and then nothing more. I wish with could have anime only to see where it would go. Pretty sure the anime would be more popular than the source material cause of all the fight scene it would have.


What does a teen with an IQ of 191 who excels in hacking do when he is not at school (do he even go to school? never figured that one out)? He cleans the city of the bad guys with the help of technology, call him the Robin Hood of technology, at least until he meets a really bad guy.

I saw some potential in that series, it could have become something bigger if it had caught the interest of more people, but the series never lifted up. The raison might because of on the hacking was handled, while the idea is interesting and has potential, it makes the main character Arata One a bit OP in my opinion, like the guy hack into the people phone or printer and make them catch in fire… like really? Plus, the character lack of depth. Yes, we had a back story of Arata and Daiga and the reason why they choose the oath to walk on is kind of admirable but… I feel like we are messing something to make them memorable. I re-read the series not long before writing this post and I just can’t remember the name of the character.

Ne0;lation is the perfect example of a series with a good idea but poorly executed, therefor the fact with didn’t have an ending at all, we just get to the end of an “arc” and bam series is done, doesn’t really matter.

I still decided to include this title in that post simply because it could have become something bigger if it has lasted longer, the villains were interesting, he kind of reminded me of Makishima (Psycho-Pass) in his way of giving means to people to do bad deed.

Our Blood Oath

Shin was an orphan adopted by the Hizuki family who are vampire, not long after the little family welcome their first biological child, Ko. When a mysterious vampire appears and killed Shin and Ko parents, living the child alive, Shin and Ko make a blood oath which will grant Ko more power however, he can only drink blood from Shin.

Our Blood Oath is another series that I instantly felt in love with, I have a thing for that kind of series ( also apparently have a think for that kind of series that get cancel), and I wish was longer, even if I can see why it wasn’t this popular; it was just one more supernatural series with two beings connected together in some way, guess reader where getting tired of the genre. I would have wish people actually give the series the chance to show what it had; we didn’t even get to know who the main antagonist was. My guess would be that vampire who killed Shin and Ko parents and who also is the brother of their…uncle which mean it that vampire is also probably related to Ko… see that’s why it should have been longer at least answer those question and not leave us in the dark.

Phantom Seer

“There is a rumour going around. They say that if something strange and mysterious occurs he’s a guy you can rely on.”

This is how the series start and it does a good job at setting the tone of the series, you know what the series will be about, now if only you could actually rely on Iori Katanagi, the main character it would be great, but you can rely on him only when his older sister threaten him, which happen quite often since he is not really fond of the fact that he is a shaman; he would much prefer being a normal kid, but in this world where shaman can control Phantom to fight other Phantom, Katanagi was able to tame the strongest of all, Ongyoki the shadow demon.

He acts like a brat half of the time, which can get on some people (reader) nerve and that might be one of the reasons why he didn’t get popular.

Like most series related to the occult world that I came across, I liked that series and I feel like it did had potential (I always say that and at this point, I feel like it’s a curse), Katanagi might sound like a pain in the beginning, but meeting Aibetsu Riku push him to act more like a shaman than a brat. Also, we can brush over his backstory, he does have one and I completely understand why he became the way he is.

Like Our Blood Oath, Phantom Seer got until the point where the main antagonist is introduced with a big fight, and then nothing, we meet some powerful minion, and the series ends there, which is a real shame, cause I would have like to know more about the other character and see Iori and Riku work more together and see how the final fight goes.

Red Sprite

Plasmarrow; plasmarrow is a combustible fossil used to replace coal and steam, it is used to generate electricity and come from the fossilized bones. However, the government discovered that passing the plasmarrow through a living human being, they could make it stronger, more powerful, but it was toxic for the common human. After years of research the government of Edenia created seven children that could hold this power. One of those children is Tatsu Frampt and after the destruction of the orphan where he was kept safe, he decided to get his freedom and find the other children that were with him.

14 chapters, two volumes, so much happened in it; enough for me to wish to have more. We can see the author tried to squeeze much information into the few first chapters, as if they knew the series wouldn’t last long. I wish you could see Tatsu’s six years of training, training that led him to control the power within him. But we get any of that, we know who the big bad guy is and Tatsu’s goal, but it stops there.

This was my short list of manga series that I felt ended too soon. Did you ever started a series you liked put discovered it was canceled? Let me know in the comment section below!

~Thank you for reading~

6 thoughts on “Gone Too Soon | 8 Series That Were Cancelled

  1. Time Paradox Ghostwriter had the potential to be epic: a down on his luck mangaka gets access to a successful manga from the future and publishes it as his own, earning the attention of the manga’s actual creator who is still working on it. Pressure mounts as the mc has to keep the story going with a level of quality he’s not capable of.

    Does Barrage count? This was a fantasy version of The Prince and the Pauper, cut off when the author died. I really would have liked to see how that ended.


  2. I’ve read a big chunk of the Shonen Jump series that ended up under the axe (circa 2017 – 2023), so I’d say aside from some of the series you talk about, I’d also like to shout out Hi-Fi Cluster and Magu-chan.


    1. Haven’t read Hi-Fi Cluster yet, each time I browse the app, I tell myself that I should check it out, as for Megu-chan , really need to fish it, but from what I saw it look like it got a pretty decent ending.


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